On the longest night of the year, Ruby's village is preparing for winter's most extravagant event – welcoming the 'Light' at the Christmas Party. However when local hero Austin crashes in to report a dangerous wolf on the loose, the celebration is thrown into jeopardy. Feared to be set on ruining festivities, the wolf is rumoured to threaten the very future of the town.
Guided by her sense of adventure – and a mysterious summons – it is down to Ruby to journey into the heart of the forest and discover the truth behind the stories. Who can she trust in this deep, dark wood?
Join us off the beaten track for a modern-day twist on this classic tale, as we come face to face with the big bad wolf and find out what it really means to belong.
Meet our Cast and Creatives
Ruby Esther Whitall
Austin Rowmell Hunter
Ulfr (Wolf) and Twitsy the Owl Phoebe Templeman
Mayor, Grandma and Winston Millie Watson
Sound and Lighting Technician Joshua Falcon
Come to our stand after the show to pick up a sticker or glow in the dark wristband
Suggested donation £1
Suggested donation 50p
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