Hereford Passion Play
Hereford Passion Play

A contemporary retelling of Jesus’ last days, death and resurrection live on the streets of Hereford.

Saturday 12th April at 1pm
starting in High Town

Involving a community cast alongside
Saltmine Theatre Company, choirs and dynamic live music
The Saltmine Passion Play 2025 in Hereford will be
by the city, for the city.

 Passion Play Hereford

With participation and collaboration from local people a key part of this event, we would welcome volunteers for the community cast, choir, musicians, stewards and engagement team along with sponsorship from churches, organisations and businesses.

Community Cast Rehearsal Information

There is still option to be involved if you can't make all these sessions
Location: St Peter’s Church, St Peter's Square, Hereford HR1 2DL

Rehersal Timeline

Saltmine's Safeguarding Policy requires under 18s to have supervision

 Passion Play Hereford
 Passion Play Hereford

For other queries or to express an interest please contact

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